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Programming Survey

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Selected Value: 0
0 = hardly ever…I’ve tuned in once or twice but that’s it. 10 = I listen all the time…for several hours each day.
Check all that apply: Where do you listen to The Coyote?
Selected Value: 0
0 = can’t stand them. 10 = love them.
Selected Value: 0
0 = can’t stand it. 10 = love it.
Selected Value: 0
0 = can’t stand it. 10 = love it.
Selected Value: 0
0 = can’t stand it. 10 = love it.
Selected Value: 0
0 = can’t stand them. 10 = love them.
Have you listened to our weekly countdown show, the "Triple C Countdown" with Sam Wilson? (heard Sundays 10am-Noon and 10pm-Midnight Eastern)
Have you listened to our Sunday night show, "Crazy Women Country" with Donna and Paula? (heard sundays 9-10pm Eastern)
Which of the following best reflects your opinion on the music played on The Coyote?